"I Know Who Killed Me" B-SIDES 32

"I Know Who Killed Me" B-SIDES 32

Lindsay Lohan plays two sisters – one Angelic good, the other a stripper from the wrong side of the tracks. It’s not a torture porn inspired sequel to THE PARENT TRAP, nope, it’s I KNOW WHO KILLED ME!

Here’s how IMDB describes the movie:

Aubrey Fleming (Lindsay Lohan) is an average upper middle class girl. One night, she unexpectedly disappears. Two weeks later she is found unconscious in the middle of the woods. When spoken to, her loved ones realize she has forgotten her identity and the personality living in her body is Dakota Moss (also played by Lindsay Lohan), a character that Aubrey created in one of her stories for an English assignment. Dakota denies ever being Aubrey knowing that they look identical. Now, Dakota must try to unravel the mystery of how her and Aubrey co-exist and find out who abducted Aubrey and if she is still alive!

“Carpentune” Intro and outro music composed & performed by Gregory Bromfield

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